So he got DQ?

If so, it's the only call. That was truly unsportsmanlike.
He knows better. He has bounced the ball back 100,000 times. The one time he doesn't for whatever reason, hits a lady in the throat.

So his "shot selection" failed him in that moment. Good. I do that 20x a match lol

Yeah he was ‘defaulted’ they call it.. Did you get a chance to see the video? I’m not sure if the link i posted above works, if not then check it out, it’s on espn, NBC, etc.- becuase to me, he definitely didnt mean to hit her, and i wasnt even sure he hit it ‘out of anger’ like they said, to me it kinda looked like he was hitting it back to a ball boy.. I’m curious to get ur opinion when you see the video, b/c i think it’s not a ‘slam dunk’ call as many seem to be making it out to be.