Yeah he was ‘defaulted’ they call it.. Did you get a chance to see the video? I’m not sure if the link i posted above works, if not then check it out, it’s on espn, NBC, etc.- becuase to me, he definitely didnt mean to hit her, and i wasnt even sure he hit it ‘out of anger’ like they said, to me it kinda looked like he was hitting it back to a ball boy.. I’m curious to get ur opinion when you see the video, b/c i think it’s not a ‘slam dunk’ call as many seem to be making it out to be.

I watched it and it was simply an accident. However, there are rules. Like in NBA, you can't be a jerk when tossing the ball to ref.
So while I agree, he didn't mean for that, he still did it.

His entire career he has either simply dropped the ball or hit into ground to bounce/roll harmlessly to ball boy/gal

Unfortunate but because of a brain fart, his Open is over.

Not sure they could bend the rules even for Joker.