Cantrell no fans for entire September including GB game

Nobody insulted or threatened you and there can be no real discussion with someone who doesn't care to have one. That's you, my friend. Oddly, most of this board seems to have sided with you rather than prudence.

I find it odd you feel so put upon given that fact, but woe is me. The game didn't bring any money to NOLA today. Well, except for the hundreds of millions in taxable salaries, the food and drink and lodging for the teams and whatnot. And, for what it's worth, it's a far cry better than an actual closed season.

Ironically, the NFL is doing what it has to do to play. They're taking precautions and limiting access and interaction where your argument seems to be that the teams ought to just let everyone do as they please. And to further the team analogy, when everyone does as they please with no regard for an overall plan, you end up with 6m cases and 200k dead as opposed to what could have been.

Not to mention the fact that New Orleans isn't shut down in general. The only thing actually shutdown are bars and that's because when they were opened drunken idiot tourists on Bourbon Street couldn't control themselves. Restaurants are open at reduced capacity. The port is open, most if not all businesses downtown are open and doing business.