***TROPICAL ALERT*** TROPICAL STORM ETA (Late season tropical outlook discussion)

I hope that wasn't Storm2k. The mods/admins there don't usually put up with nonsense like that.
But there are more then enough online weather/hurricane message boards where amateur mets living safely in the Midwest, Plains states, or some states like Tennessee or Arkansas seemingly gloat, disgustingly exagerrate or embellish a likely TS in GOM will turn into Katrina or Laura 2.0 with this pathetic joy/misguided excitement their "witnessing history". This is why, people, I got upset last week and most posters disliked it with LOL emojis for me being angry at nothing. Sentiments like these exist and not just with scattered, emotional sadists online who delight in spreading misinformation and angst to readers who they knew full well might read and get wrapped up into their hysteria because their uninformed.

Very well-constructed lies or distortions conveniently premeditated can fool even a very media-literate, informed, intelligent population or certain sections of a populace occasionally.