If the Jets get Lawerence we need to steal Sam Darnold

The fact that Taysom hasn’t thrown a pass yet leads me to believe Payton doesn’t have that much confidence in him. He was in for one pass play, had one read which wasn’t open so he ran instead. I love Taysom as much as everyone else but Winston is the much better QB.

well he was clearly going to throw one yesterday but it wasn't there. And I think they have to at least present the threat of him throwing or having him take anything under center is kind of pointless. But I don't see them giving him more throws than runs with Drew on the sideline. Unless of course this season continues to slide and then who knows.

I claiming to know who we will start next year, just that previous indications for coach would make one think he is ready for the TH experiment and if you look at the contracts for the guys under contract, all that evidence points that way as well.