I gotta relocate this damn frog


October 3, 2020

Due to public interest and questions, I am releasing the following information regarding the frog situation that I hope will satisfy any general curiosity or suspicion of foul play. It is true that the frog and I had certain irreconcilable differences. As I have stated in the past, I had no intention, whatsoever, to use my human dominance to kill the frog - I primarily wished for the frog to continue its life in more suitable environs, less constrained by my admittedly human need for quiet at night. As I was unable to discover and capture the frog, I had to consider options. While it is true that I sought to obtain a garter snake for the purpose of removing the frog, this was nothing more than an attempt to use natural animal predatory behavior (the "Circle of Life") to address the issue. Had I been able to obtain and release said snake and the snake chose not to eat the frog, perhaps even befriended the frog, I would have accepted this result as part of the same nature I was hoping to use to remedy the issue. Alas, I was unable to procure a garter snake. More recently, however, it became time for some landscaping work to occur in the area wherein I believe the frog resided. I relayed to the landscaper that a loud frog resided in those bushes and my wish for the frog to be relocated. Work was completed this week and I have not heard from the frog since. I presume that he is happy and enjoying his new home.

/end of statement
So it was a contract killing?