What if Drew Brees has a change of heart and wants to return for 2021? Do we risk losing Jameis like we did with Teddy or do we honor Drew's wish

If Brees retiring means we need to see Taysom Hill at QB, then I’d beg Brees to comeback. I’d it’s an open completion and Winston can get his shot, then fine. But I’d have Brees on speed dial. But if Oayton decides our next QB is Winston? That’s the move. Either that or we trade the house (and Winston) to move up for Lawrence.
TBH...i don't think there is enough game time to make a judgment on Hill right now. Getting in a game for a few designed plays doesn't tell you much. QB's need to get in a groove where they are on the field constantly & practicing in that position all the time to be good. Secondly, a game plan for Taysom at QB full time is going to look much different than a game plan for Brees. I am not saying Taysom will work out...just saying you can't judge it off a 4 play package per game with limited practice at QB.