If you wanna give Glenn and Allen a break, think about this.

There is a running quote on this forum that has been in place for years. It is unchanged and reflects poor coaching considering we have signed big names to to answer the question and have gotten nothing from the position.

"Can He Play Safety?".
The answer is "maybe"

Can we coach up the secondary?
The answer is no.

Lattimore's regression and Jenoris' struggles is a clear sign that these coaches suck for real. Latt became a ProBowler using the skillset he learned at Ohio. Both of the Jenkins were elite ProBowlers with their former teams and both look lost in this defense sometimes.

If not for an amazing solo stop by Davenport on a crucial 3rd down, we would have nothing good to say about the defensive game plan. Some will say, " but we won, can you just be happy about that?", to which my reply is, of course. But if you can't recognize the glaring problem that is Allen and Glenn, then how can you really expect to not have your heart broken in the most epic ways.

Saying that we've been saying "can he play safety" for years on this forum is understated. That predates back before the Nebraska ball hawking phenom known as Josh Bollocks came to New Orleans. Over 15 years ago. I don't think the fact that we've held onto our meta motto is suddenly a reflection of our current coaching staff. This was a really strong secondary a year or so ago, mostly same players and coaches. Should not have brought back Jenkins. He's added nothing but trouble.