***TROPICAL ALERT*** TROPICAL STORM ETA (Late season tropical outlook discussion)

First of all, your attitude isn't very much appreciated on my end. Secondly, I was more refering to the infrastructure side on Entergy's part. There's no reason a storm like that one should have this many people without power and for as long as it's projected to be out. A power company in a major metropolitan area should have plenty resources to invest in their grid. And I'm an electrician myself dude. I know what it takes sometimes to get repairs done.
Well the way you stated it came off offensive to me. And my son in law is an electrician DUDE! So back off with being offended. I was offended just the same by your dispostion toward those working to restore power. And as far as infrastructure goes, it is a problem throughout the country and not just relative to Entergy, in case you were unaware. But what are YOU doing, Mr. Electrician? Or may I say; Mrs. Electrician, to help others, in this current situation?