***TROPICAL ALERT*** TROPICAL STORM ETA (Late season tropical outlook discussion)

I'd imagine the best solution is to bury all the power lines. It just seems to make sense in a place that gets hurricanes. That being said, I'd imagine our very wet soil and below sea level status makes putting power lines underground more of a challenge than we might think. Also, given the issues the City has with roads and the sewerage and water system, it probably wouldn't get any better if they were digging to bury and repair power lines. Not to mention the damage that would be cased to both the roads and water/sewer lines by all that digging. But, of course, lots and lots of money would fix all those problems. Money that the City doesn't have and that Entergy won't spend because they would never be able to raise their rates high enough to make the money back.

I would imagine exactly what you said, the water table, would be the largest issue. Then the room- right of ways would have to be created, and some areas have little to no area to really bury lines without creating a mess for homeowners etc.