Unprecedented Defense (Get Hype!)

As the game started, I'm sure that I was not alone in thinking to myself "I can see Trey Hendrickson so who is that white(?) dude in the middle of the D-Line?" I'm sure the Falcons were thinking the same thing. Just like last game, the D-Line was on Heavy Rotate all game long, lining up cats all over the place, seemingly never in the same spot twice. That white dude turned out to be named Glasgow, and I guess Dennis Allen figured he'd just start getting into folks heads right away. Or else Malcolm Brown's shoe fell off and Shy Tuttle suffered a stinger running onto the field.

Combine that with our 3 safety set where CJGJ has a green light and Malcolm Jenkins can pick up press coverage anywhere. It's going to get really tough out there for offenses coming at us. I say going to get tough because we did not have all of our guys healthy today and were even back in 3 LB sets. With the rotating D-Line behind a 3 safety disguised coverage, plus Sheldon and Marshon back, it's going to get even better. We have unprecedented talent and depth on the D-Line and in the Secondary, with an All-Pro LB in between. Other folks are going to get their yards, no doubt, but this Defense is turning out to be one for the ages. They're cooking something up folks have never tasted before.