Leah Chase Circle

It has been argued that Lee and Davis, besides being traitors, were never associated with the city. And I have no problem with that.
But Paul Tulane made substantial monetary and land donations that advanced the entire higher education and hospital system in the city at a time when those entities were in danger of completely shutting down.
Yes I realize he was a supporter of the confederacy but can’t that be placed in context?

Paul Tulane advanced the higher education and hospital system for who? Everybody or those on the right side on american apartheid?

His family also directly benefitted from American chattel slavery, so that's where the money came from. Tulane University didn't admit it's first African American student until 1963.

Probably because...

As the University of Louisiana struggled to stay afloat, Paul Tulane, a retired dry goods wholesaler, donated property to the State of Louisiana appraised at $288,700 “for the promotion and encouragement of the intellectual, moral, and industrial education among the white young persons in the city of New Orleans.”

You want to honor that and place it in context?