Comparing some of Drew Brees's worst games to that of Taysom Hill vs the Broncos

Brees was behind Flutie for one and a half seasons.

he also was a Pro Bowler and won Comeback player of the year the next two and a half.

And wasn’t 30

Taysom was hot garbage yesterday. He just was. No amount of sugar coating is going to change that, why is it so hard for some to say it?

The game plan was what it should have been- vanilla and low risk. But that doesn’t change the fact that there were opportunities that were missed. Bigly. The 31 points came from a ridiculous number of possessions and three turnovers in their half of the field.

The Saints won yesterday because the defense did what they were supposed to do to a practice squad wide receiver starting at qb- obliterate him. He was only marginally worse than Taysom btw.

this, btw has no bearing on next week or the week after. I, like any sound minded Saints fan, want the team to win. I hope beyond hope that Taysom just had a (REALLY) bad day. Because if that was his normal, he isn’t an NFL QB. Period. But the Saints won so I am good.

If he goes into ATL and wins, I don’t care how he does it. The Saints just need to win. Taysom’s play will either merit being the heir apparent or it won’t. Yesterday it didn’t.

Regardless of whoever takes over for Drew, they won’t fill his shoes.