Giant Movies That You Never Hear About Anymore

That was a really good year for movies:

Lion King
The Mask
The Santa Clause
Dumb and Dumber
Blue Chips
Hoop Dreams
The Hudsucker Proxy (a good year for Tim Robbins, too)
Little Giants
Natural Born Killers
True Lies

I think the best 4 were picked for Best Picture. All have lasting impacts, except maybe Quiz Show, which was great but not as endering as the other 3. I still contend that Pulp Fiction should have one for being the most artistic and unique. I was mad a the time that Forrest Gump won. However, now 26 years later, Shawshank is by far my favorite of all. At the time, I didn't feel that way, but the re-playabilty of it is far superior. The scene where he plays the opera music and turns it louder as the knock on the door gets me everytime.

While Pulp Fiction has its moments, i was never a fan of that style of movie. Same with Jackie Brown and even Kill Bill. The cinematography always feels too cartoonish for my taste. I did really like Swordfish which had a similar feel to it. So, idk.

I never get tired of watching Shawshank though.