The Mandalorian discussion thread

It's awesome. I wanted to comment further about the season 3 premiere but it wouldn't have mattered. Having said that, one more! :hihi: I still stand by thinking that Boba will air first and then for Christmas season 3 comes out. When she announced the next chapter they were showing the Mandalorian behind her and she said Christmas and what I've read about Boba makes it sound like early December. Either way we're getting some Star Wars show in December and it has good potential to be excellent.

Oh The Book of Boba has potential alright. We've already seen what this creative team is capable of with the character. They treated him with respect and reverence. They treated him like honest to god Star Wars fans. I have no doubt they have something special in mind for him. Who cares if it's fanboi fan service?! I want to be serviced. Hard. And as much as possible.