No Cards-Niners game on TV. You will need an Amazon prime account...

Amen to a simpler existence. I am working towards that with a decision to unload a rental property that was causing me lots of anxiety. The selling process is no cake walk but if we make it through it that will be one less log on the fire. With kids though, it will be a while longer before I reach my dream of a true simple existence. We watch a lot of the old show Little House on the Prairie and old Charles and Caroline lived simple but it sure was hard at times. Electricity is a good thing.
In full disclosure, I know all my of comments are full of hypocrisy in that I freak out if my internet goes down for even an hour and that my "primitive "Ted K one-room cabin in the mountains had better come with wifi, hot and cold running water, and a sewage system. Basically, I want full-time glamping.