[Mod edit language NSFW] JJ Watt Telling it like it is!

Idk... Winning games is more than just practice. It's really all about production. JJ Watt hasn't produced much the last two years. Seems like he's not rebounding fron injuries like he used to do before 30.

Another thing too... This is silly. This is a team with no head coach and a lot of these players will probably be out of a job one way or another.

Venting out dirty laundry just isn't necessary in week 16. It's unprofessional and simply pandering. JJ Watt has a really bad habit to do a lot of pandering in Houston to do this blue collar persona.

Still... It's just weak sauce. I can understand his frustration, but where was this 10 weeks ago?

You couldn't see this outburst 10 weeks ago, b/c the players still had hope...JJ Watt still had hope to salvage the season.......but they lost their coach/GM, and things went sour after that...we can see a lot of frustration in his answer....who can blame him? He gave it all, some of his teammates didn't....and it shows in their record.