Karate Kid Sequel

For me it was Daniel. Kreese was really the source of Daniel's torment in 1 and 3, and he never got to get Kreese back. Johnny stuck it to him by calling him out at the beginning of 2. That stung for Kreese. Nothing Daniel ever did directly ever stung him. I mean yeah, winning the tournament was tough, but what matters to Kreese is what is done directly to him. This was Daniel beating him directly, and that felt as satisfying as watching Luke in the Mando season finale.
Driving him through that window pane got a big "OH SHEET!!!" out of me. Luckily it wasn't too late in the evening.

ETA: Also...

Good storyline with Ali. You knew she wasn't in the show's long-term plans, so how they handled her and her relationship with Johnny (especially after learning about Carmen) was done really well.