Giants Fans Crying May Be the Most Pathetic Thing I’ve Ever Seen

You win your division, you host a playoff game. I have zero problems with that. It's always been that way. It sucks when you have teams with winning records not getting in but those are the breaks, win your division.

As far as the fans crying, I get it. I have never seen an NFL team PURPOSEFULLY not try to win a game, like I did last night. I have been watching football for 40+ years and don't recall anything like that. I get that you're trying to evaluate your 3rd string QB in real time but NAAAAAAAHHHHH. And the Giants had just beaten their divisional rival, making the playoffs was in their grasp. I get it. I'd be incredibly frustrated as well.

I tell you what change I would like...I'd like it that if a team goes 16-0, they get an automatic doublt-bye and a birth in the CCG. That would keep teams from resting if a perfect season is in grasp.