So far, outside of his one moment of not showing Mercy to the Captain who didn't deserve it (maybe?), he's still kind of the good guy in 'Nam. I knew Vietnam is what likely ruined him, but they still haven't shown him be bad yet. He's kinda likeable, even almost heroic in the past. fork that, he's a psycho. I mean, look at how much he's manipulating the kids, and he loves doing it. He's a monster. I don't see that in his past, and it's just disjointing.
Makes me wonder, the fellow POW he called.. who is he now? Like the governor? Some sort of ace up his sleeve for the tournament.
Overall, decent season. I do think overall story arc, it moved a bit slow. I really loved the Japan episode, but really wish he taught the kids the lesson about 'taking away their ability to wage war'. Instead, the kid of kid violence just got stupider. Seriously, they threw the little kid through the window of Daniel's house! Who does that? My first reaction would be to tell one of the kids to call the cops. That little twit girl should be in jail. I mean, seriously.
Speaking of which, they make Sam waaaay too doe eyed for every boy she's within 5 feet of. So stupid, but then again, kids are dumb.
I thought the Ali episode was very well done, outside of my house fight complaints. I think it was a perfect message about moving forward, not being stuck in the past. Also reminds me that every time Daniel and Johnny have drinks and laugh with the ladies, something awful happens. At least this time they didn't fight each other, they fought together. Finally moving forward.
I really wanted Daniel to kick Kreese through the glass at the end there. He was going to shank him with Glass. Screw that. I did enjoy the fact that Daniel finally got to own him, since Mr. Miyagi is no longer with us. Daniel, and Johnny for that matter, never got that chance.
Johnny's son is an idiot. I kind of never liked his character. Just a forced 'Twilight' Wolf boy kinda thing.
I really can't believe all of that was just a set up for season 4 with training and the tournament.