howz yer spanish?

Spanish is #4 for me, it can be ok on a good day. I understand much more than I speak, but with all of the apps available, I can get by. I have never taken a formal class, just picked it up from travelling. I have been to about half a dozen Spanish speaking countries. The different accents and dialects are something that I can pick up on. After the pandemic, I plan to go to a couple of South American countries for a couple of months and might take a course or two while there.

You reaction was priceless. I had a few guys work on my roof after the most recent storm. They were impressed that I was able to understand about 75-80% of what they were saying and that I was able to make myself somewhat understood in Spanish. One guy spoke better English than my Spanish though. When two people have OK speaking abilities, but better comprehension, I find it is easier to communicate if each person speaks in their native language and the other person listens.

I probably would have responded in English, nah man, I will cut your keys.

My wife is from Taiwan. I'll never forget what her neice told me years ago. I told her I'd like to learn Mandarin. She told me there
is no need. You can travel to any place on earth and there will be someone there who speaks english. She did a lot of traveling
through Europe and english was the language she used to communicate with locals