Comic Book Talk

I remember being like that with the story of Falcon's nephew dying of AIDS in The Incredible Hulk. A story in which he dies of AIDS after begging for a Hulk blood transfusion to cure him, but Banner refuses because he doesn't want another She-Hulk incident happening.

Comics tackling real world issues gets weird, man.

I wonder if that's the same comic I remember - Hulk picks up an AIDS infected gay man and someone asks if he's worried about getting infected to which Hulk replies something like "With my blood I'm immune"

The only reason I remember it so well is in a later issue I believe it was the 300th issue - it was a green foil cover recreating the 1st issue that had a letter to the editor that was one of the most homophobic things I had read at the time - basically the letter said how dare the Hulk save a gay man, if the Hulk has to interact with a gay person at all it should be to kill them etc.

Does anyone else remember that?