N/S Tampa Bountygate 2021

This is exactly the take the NFL and everyone else will run with.
The crazy part is how badly Goodell got raked over the coals for Bountygate at the time and yet the casual observer never really followed up on any of it. So your casual NFL fan/Saints hater only knows "muh bounties lol" and nothing beyond that because they never really followed up on the story. As a result... The narrative is that the Saints Defense (which ironically was largely inept) was Seal Team 6 and headhunting to end other players' careers and significantly injure them. We all know the truth and why the NFL did it to railroad a small market team in order to satiate a class action lawsuit... But that's the narrative.

The irony is that, Goodell's refusal to ever pursue similar punishments ever again is proof that his bounty punishments were complete unwarranted garbage. So we fans will never see true justice but the fact that he hasn't done it again in spite of such obvious cases like this Bucs one is just validation that it was rubbish.