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OK...so I just got finished with Brandon Sanderson's fourth book of the Stormlight Archive "Rhythm of War".

I'm not going to get much into it because it will result in spoilers. But I will say, that it's not a perfect book but that it is a better book than Oathbringer. The pacing was much better and did not feel as long...even though it was longer, I believe. I still think that Way of Kings and Words of Radiance were stronger, but so much of that had to do with the setting/plot. Oathbringer serves as a bit of a pivot from the plot in the first two books.

There is one particular chapter in Rhythm of War that I think is the strongest chapter in the entire collection thus far, and honestly it is among one of my favorite book chapters of any book I have ever read. That chapter alone is worth reading the book. It was a chapter that was not only written for the story, but it was a chapter written for you and for me...for everyone...especially during these trying times. But I won't name the chapter because I suppose that could be a spoiler in a way.