Comic Book Talk

Cards became huge business again seemingly overnight. I'm not sure what's driving it, but the stories I'm hearing from people in the business are nuts. Literally stories of guys following around vendors to various stores so they can pounce on the product as soon as its put on shelves.
Places like Target and Walmart have had to put out various signs limiting the number of items that can be purchased, directing customers that purchases for cards can only be made at customer service, or cards will only be sold at a specific hour. All sorts of crazy stuff. Guys waiting in line at 5 or 6 am, 20 or 30 people deep, going from one store to the other so that they can try to get a $20 blaster box that they can then turn around and flip on eBay for $60, $80, $100. I'm not joking about those prices, either. The card market has gone absolutely, batshirt crazy.