NO because:
(1) In the 13.8 billion years of this universe, life started about 3.8 billion years ago, and humans have existed for only 100,000-ish years.
(2) Humans developed the ability to leave the planet less than 100 years ago, about the same time we developed the ability to destroy ourselves.
(3) The nearest Goldilocks planets are about 1,000 light years away.
(4) Our scientists can (reasonably) dream of actually traveling, at most, about 10% the speed of light (i.e., getting there in 10,000 years).
Therefore, each intelligent life form out there has a small window in which it can engage in interstellar travel before it destroys itself, and the time that it takes to get from here to there is way bigger than the window.
And, in the very unlikely chance that aliens already got here, it was probably one or more billion years ago, and they saw that little or no life was here, and then left after recording a neutral reference ("Mostly Harmless").