Leah Chase Circle

Update on the school renaming process. Seems like they pulled a fast one to avoid further feedback from McD-35 and Franklin alums. I still cringe reading these descriptions of Ben Franklin. "A one-time slave owner who became an abolitionist later in life." That's it, that's all that needs to be said about one of the most influential men of early America. LOL.


here is the report with the rationale for renaming each school. Reading Ben Franklin's entry is fun - it reads like a pretty good defense of Franklin, not the justification from removing his name from the school.

https://go.boarddocs.com/la/nops/Bo...es Renaming Initiative Board Update 42021.pdf
sometimes when you evolve you lose cool things like prehensile tails
but fighting evolution does not guarantee you keep the tail, just that you gunk up an inevitable and necessary process