Payton Turner: How Do you like the Pick?

Oh, if you've been carefully analyzing, and observing me, my online personality on SR for nearly 20 years, there's never been this huge secret I won't hesitate to say something controversial or sound off maybe a tad too harshly on words, rhetoric, ideas in posts that 95% of the time comes across as bullshirt, to me. I don't like bullshirt, I have an extreme toxic low tolerance towards it or what I deem or sense to be behavior suggesting it.

I'm also not afraid to cross "The fork barrier", that very thin, tenous line where someone sometimes in life in certain situations says or expresses whether forcefully, eloquently, or perhaps very bluntly, what most others want to say, feel like they should say, get so exasperated, angry, and beligerently worked up and vow to say, but back down due to inevitable blowback they know all too well they'll get once they've aired their grievances.

More often then not, even now I wouldn't be one of the guys willing to cross that barrier, but I feel confident enough to know based on past experiences, pre-existing or standing beliefs that I'm not afraid to cross it if I have too, to make a point even I risk coming across as an unlikable, grouchy butt crevasse to others.