UEFA Champions League

My oldest son is a Chelsea fan, he also turned down a few Div 1 scholarship offers to play in college, he knows the game inside and out. He pretty much echoes what you are saying about Pulisic. He told me once, don't laugh, I'm not comparing him to Messi, but he has a lot of on the ball similarities, I think he is right....

I agree with you on USMNT, they need a number of the young talented players to step up and I think they will....I don't think they will struggle scoring goals, but the back 4 is not exactly inspirational....we will see....

Ah, the smash and run game....All the rage in HS teams around here, but don't work in the travel leagues for the most part....

IT was all the rage in the late 80s and 90s with US soccer. Think Roy Lassitter. While the rest of the world was learning and fully tranistioning to that " hmmmm if YOU POSSESS the ball longer than your opponent, good chance you win" we were all "MURICA BEETCHES....we will just out pace you to the ball- HERE Roy - run on to this"