I am not looking for another debate here- i simply dont understand some of y’all’s criteria for what constitutes ‘fast food’, versus, i dont know, ‘fast casual’ or whatever they call it(?) Please , somebody help me to understand... In n Out has, in the literal sense, some of the fastest service i have ever encountered.. and, whether you like going there or not, it has earned it’s cult following , in almost the exact same way that Chick Fil A has earned their cult following.. i would be hard pressed to explain how CFA or InO could be considered anything BUT fast food, albeit the gold standard for fast food.... i could kiinnnddaa understand someone’s argument that 5 Guys shouldn’t be considered fast food for two reasons: 1) they are literally double the cost of CFA, InO, McD’s, BK, TB, etc etc... and 2) none of their locations that i’ve encountered have drive thrus- whether or not a place has a drive thru is one of , if not THE, main criteria i use to determine whether or not it should be considered fast food, but there are exceptions.