House flooded

FEMA could care less- it aint their money.

Its ours ( policy holders and congressional funding ) Next time you get your declarations page, take a look at HIFAA , Assessment and Reserve assessment fees. In some instances, the fees are equal to the actual premium ( $375 fees and premium is $375 )

But yes, the elevation program really slowed down in S LA about 4-6 years ago. Insurance became insanely expensive for the elevation contractors- i actually just wrote a policy for one not 1 month ago.....i honestly didnt think he would purchase. lol.

And fwiw, i think they now assign you a contractor and they ALL must carry the proper insurance in the event something happens to your home during lifting process.

I can imagine. I’ve watched several videos on how raising a house works and I don’t see how you can do it without something getting messed up even if done perfectly. 😳