Least Favorite Foods?

I've already mentioned my chitterlings hate in another thread. That will remain #1 even though it has never and will never pass through my lips. But another fightin' food for me is Arugula greens.

Salads that contain this evil, rubbery tasting leaf should come with a warning like things that contain soy or wheat.

But every single time - I forget what "mixed greens" really mean and when the plate is sat before me... With the distinct shape of an Arugula leaf staring back into my horrified eyes, I curse on the inside.

I hate it bruh. So much. Sometimes I google "I hate Arugula" just to calm down. To reassure myself that I am not alone in my ire. I read the delightful rants of other Arugula Haters and I wonder if we could band together and have it removed from the "mixed greens" list.

I REBUKE you - you pitiful, burnt tasting, tar smelling, sorry excuse of a plant.

Also fish. The fried codfish square from Luby's was the exception (RIP). I don't like how fish usually tastes of the water from whence it came.
I'm lukewarm on Arugula. Sometimes I like it, sometimes it's too bitter. But I just can't stomach kale. I've tried.... but I can't. It's too tough crunchy and doesn't have enough flavor to overcome the unpleasant texture.