
Absolutely fascinating, Mother Nature literally understands math....

Went out hoping to fish the Monocacy river last night with my younger son, water level was ok but the water was like the color of chocolate milk and no sign of cicadas. For some reason they aren't around north of Frederick....

I'm going to try and hit the Gunpowder River in the next few weeks which is about 20 minutes north of Bawlmer....glad to hear they are there....
I actually just got back from Frederick a few minutes ago.

I was downtown, and only there briefly to pick up something from an antique shop, but I don't think I heard a peep from cicadas. BTW, downtown Frederick is pretty cool for walking around on a lazy day.

The cicadas are definitely in Baltimore. I've heard parts of Columbia are covered with them. They are also out in full force in some of the western suburbs (not too far from me) that are more rural. Like I mentioned earlier, I can hear them because I have woods just a literal stone's throw away from my house, but not too many have come out of the woods yet. It's just a matter of time.