Also, let's be a bit honest here. This has turned into something well beyond a simple gamble. This has a life of it's own. Apes? I mean, it's not a little funny/silly?
Apes are the new animals on Wall Street. We’ve known of bears, bulls, and even wolves. Apes are what threw the system on its head.
Apes move in groups. A shrewdness of Apes working together. Remember the movie Beautiful Mind, the scene where the main actor sees a hot chick surrounded by other ladies?
He went on to describe how governing dynamics by Adam Smith needs revision.
Adam Smith said “The best result comes from every APE in the group doing what’s best for themselves”
Incomplete. Incomplete.
Because the best result would come from every APE in the group doing what’s best for themselves AND the group.
Governing dynamics.
An excellent example of this were the multitude of APES buying shares at limit prices of exactly 300.00 at close today.
Here is an example from today:
What was best for that particular ape was to buy at the lowest cost possible for him. But that ape knew the best outcome will come from doing what’s best for him AND every other Ape. He benefited from acquiring more shares and shrewd of Apes benefited from potentially being able to exercise calls.
Another aspect of an Ape is their unrelenting grip. They clench those shares with iron clad fists. Now that’s not new. Many people before have held through manipulated dips and end up being bag holders.
But if the perfect situation arises (like it has with several securities right now) with tremendously exposed short positions AND the entire float of shares being owned by Apes....this will happen.
In the case of GME. The apes like the stock. Most of them love gaming. Most of them spend thousands of hours in front of a video game to do one thing. Get the highest score possible. And that’s the mission.
Another dynamic in all this is the underlying unwritten rule. Never take on Reddit. And more importantly never take on Reddit with money on the line. Hedges might actually have to fight to survive this one. And judging by the record high reverse repo today....I do think they are fighting to stay solvent.
Anywho. I just felt like typing my thoughts about a few beers. Just having fun.