Loki Disney Plus - Trailer

Maybe I need to watch it again but it looked to me like Loki didn't even touch the thing that was falling, that he stopped it using the force and pushed it back up. Did it look like that to anyone else?
Yes, looked like that to me too. Thing is, Loki does have a bunch of powers, including telekinesis.

I don't think he's done anything on the scale of halting a falling building (or whatever it was) in mid-air before though. But it's hard to know what's just an inconsistent portrayal of a "he can do this, he just prefers not to/he can only do it in extreme situations/etc." nature, the kind you always get in long-running things with characters in different stories with different writers, and what's "he can't do this normally so you know something else is going on".

Between the random powers and the exposition time spent on enchantment, I’m think Loki is in her head.
Edit: I feel like Loki even made a comment about enchantment being child’s play or something along those lines in a previous episode
He said it was a "clever trick, cowardly, a bit amateur-ish, but clever".

I think when you combine everything, Loki being in her head does seem most likely. He does seem to be playing the goof a fair bit, which would make sense if he's manipulating her.

And apart from anything else, I still can't think of any other way they get out of it that isn't a lame Deus ex machina.