The Investment Thread

Paper hand Dave on RH paying former SEC Head 30 million.

It's information-quality filter time here: The company employs former SEC commissioner Dan Gallagher for "$30M" - which actually is $4.5M in payroll and $24.6M in stock.

Gallagher was "an" SEC commissioner from 2011 to 2015. The SEC has a commission of five political appointees (no more than 3 of the same party) who serve on a commission - hence the name "commissioner". But it's not the same thing as a police commissioner with authority - the SEC isn't run by a single "Commissioner" that, as what is claimed here, ran the SEC as a head of the agency.

Federal officials often move back into private business and there's rules about when they can actually work on matters that they used to be involved in on the government side (typically at least 2 years). But after that, they go back into private business. Sure, having a commissioner who knows all the rules and how the SEC operates (to exploit) is an inside-track and that has optics and who knows what else - and you can make up your own mind about what that means. But it isn't $30M and it's an SEC commissioner from 6 years ago who was one of five on a commission.