What are you reading?

I'll be reading "Hail Mary" next after I finish Star Trek Titan - Sword of Damocles (4th in the Titan series). I am mixing in the Titan series between other books.

Artemis was good. A fast-paced story.

According to GoodReads, I have read 18 books this year so far. I am watching much less TV and generally get 1 to 2 hours of reading in per day. I am trying to make sure that I read from as many genres as I can though I do tend to stick with science fiction.

Yea, I think I’m going to read a physics book next. I used to read a lot of history but I’m kinda burned out on it for now so I jumped deeper into SciFi than I normally would.

I’d totally be out of bookshelf space if I didn’t have everything on the Kindle app. :)