Movies from when we were kids

I wasn't a kid when most of you were kids. But first thing that popped in my head was The Incredible Mr. Limpet. I mean, I'm not quite old enough to have seen it first run and I don't remember where I saw it, but I often thought back and wondered, Did I really see that or did I dream it?, because it's not overly popular. There was talk years ago of a remake with Jim Carey but never happened. I think it would have been interesting.

My other favs are old Walt Disney Productions live actions of the '60s that I never hear anyone talking about: The Ugly Dachshund, The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit, The Love Bug, The Absent Minded Professor, The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, The Shaggy Dog
Gus the Kicking Mule
There was another Kurt Russel one, Worlds greatest athlete or something like that
Saw most of those at the Robt E Lee theatre in Lakeview

but you’re first paragraph reminded me that I must have seen ‘What’s Up Doc’ manymany times- always at my grandparents place outside of Memphis, not sure why it was always on there and seldom in NO but that was the way of TV back then