Movies from when we were kids

i sold those big laserdisc machines at sound trek, ours made by pioneer :)

demo we used was the electric horseman, which i can no longer watch after ~2.7 million viewings

Sound Trek, wow hadnt thought of that place in a while.. Where was that located? On Veterans like everything else? i used to love this electronics place in Elmwood called Silo, does anyone else remember that? They had some cool stuff.. i bought the Panasonic boom box there on which i wore out my cassette tape of Thriller, if that gives yall an idea how long ago that was.

In re to the repeated viewing, i worked at a second run, dollar movie theater summer between HS and college, and we showed three movies all summer long: Home Alone and Sleeping with the Enemy, neither one of which I’d ever want to sit through again.. the third was Dances w/ Wolves, which i wouldnt watch again just on principle, since it robbed Goodfellas of it’s well deserved Oscar.