Onyemata suspended for banned substance

His prior 1 game suspension was for a substance abuse violation. This one is for a PED violation. Those are under two different policies and one has no bearing on the other. A first violation under the the PED policy can be 2, 4, or 6 games based on what was found in his system.

From the policy on the NFLPA website https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows....olicy on Performance-Enhancing Substances.pdf
Positive Test Result for Diuretic or Masking Agent -- two regular and/or postseason games. Positive Test Result for Stimulant5 or Anabolic Agent -- four regular and/or postseason games. Positive Test Result for a Prohibited Substance plus a Diuretic or Masking Agent/Attempt to Substitute, Dilute or Adulterate a Specimen/Attempt to Manipulate a Test Result/Violation of Section 5 -- six regular and/or postseason games.