Doctor Who

I still blame Stephen Moffat for destroying the show by doing everything he could to try to make The Doctor the least interesting character he could. It's no wonder those who were stuck with the disaster he left them couldn't figure out what to do with the character since Moffat had already assassinated him.

I agree. Whitaker is good in the role, but the writing for her and Capaldi has been awful. They seriously need some new blood or some good old blood to write for the show. Whitaker has had a few good episodes, but there hasn't been an overall good story arch. The Timeless Child stuff was decent, but not great in comparison to stuff like Bad Wolf and Melody Pond/River Song.

And I will never get over Moffat having Capaldi's Doctor kill with a gun to save Clara. It goes against everything The Doctor has stood for since the begninning.