Does Ian Book have a chance at the job?
We are not keeping 4 QBs on the active roster. So, depending on who wins the starting job and the ramifications of who wins, then that will determine if someone gets cut, or to the PS. It’s no guarantee that TH7 will go to his Joker role if Jameis wins. In that scenario, JW is the starter, TH7 the backup, and that leaves one spot left. In a grave situation where you could possibly need to use that 3rd QB….who will you trust the most? Semien who has experience or a rookie? Book isn’t this sure fire talent that is definite starter material as of now. Heck, he may not be by the start of the season. May never be. Putting him on the PS would be a risk I would be willing to take.
OR just cut Semien and cross your fingers, toes, eyes, and 🏈 🏈 s that he is worth keeping on the active roster.