I belly-laughed at that rooster headline.
My vote goes to people who deliberately ask for vanilla ice cream.
People who aggressively turn their cigarette box upside down and tap it before opening. I promise you those cigarettes didn't move.
People who enable video on Teams meetings. Because how could we possibly conduct a phone call if I can't see you.
People who open 10 ketchup packets in a row to make a decent-sized ketchup pool. Drizzle that sheet across them fries and be done.
ESL citizens questioning my grammar. How. Dare. You.
The people who wrote, produced and recorded the Macarena.
People who put weenies in their gumbo.
Facilitators who start off training classes with stretching exercises and ice-breakers. It's in those moments, I want nothing more than to possess telekinesis. Arses would hit the floor.
People who try to back into a parking spot when they don't know how. It's very sad to witness their struggle.
Anyone who has ever offered me trail mix.