Or over the head, or into the ground, in the GENERAL direction of the receiver.
The feeling I have, when it is a pass being put up with either Hill, or Winston, is there is about a 70% chance, nothing good is going to happen. That is the biggest difference I sense ATM, from no longer having Drew as QB. This is aside from the fact, so many other key players were lost and the known suspension of Onyemata and looming possible suspensions of Lattimore and Harris. Throw in the Thomas BS and we have a potential for an extremely bad start of a season. Combine all of what I mentioned, with the notorious bad starts of seasons with this staff and to me, anyone should be able to see why a winning season is in very tall order.
At the end of the day. It does (somewhat) make for like a Christmas morning. Lots of new toys. Some you like and some you never want to see again. 😂😂 We’ll see, what Santa has brought this year.