Jon Stinchcomb to Saints fans: Adjust your expectations

Correct with if I'm wrong, but the Saints didn't lose Drew Brees he chose to retire. Furthermore what's with the can't replace a HOF QB. If history serves me correctly, the Steelers have done it, the Cowboys have done it the 49er's have done it. What I getting is that the fans are saying the Saints can''t do it. I think we will move along nicely and once CSP decides on his starter at QB, that player be it Winston or Hill will have a different perspective on what is needed to lead and probably be a better quarterback. Some rise to the challenge other falter and blame it everything except themselves. We'll see soon enough how it turns out. We were also rans for a long time, I don't think we're headed back in time.

I'm not saying you can't. I'm just giving context to the comments. The leadership loss of Bress is significant and can't be understated even if some are trying to do that by down playing his ability towards the end of his career.