Rams fans , Roger’s favorite fan base!

Wow besides the obvious over intoxication. 3 on 1 really?
Different point here but the 3 on 1 made me think of this.

When I was a kid, in my neighborhood, I learned a LOT from fighting (and mostly losing). But back then, there really were rules and great derision was heaped on anyone who broke them. No ganging up. Fists only - no kicking. If a guy went down, you waited until he got back up to keep fighting. And if someone quit, the fight was over. By the time I finished high school, kicking came in, then following the guy to the ground was fine. But ganging up was still considered a punk move. And my old man’s rule was pretty clear: run from a fight, I’m gonna beat your arse. Start a fight, I’m gonna beat your arse.

Like I said, I learned a lot of life lessons having fistfights, and I wished my sons had the chance to learn lessons likewise. But by the time it was their turn, all I could tell them was to avoid fights like the plague because they couldn’t trust that it would be a “fair fight”.

The “old days” are, without a doubt, overly romanticized, but I do miss that aspect.