Preseason 1 Report Card

Yes, I do not disagree with anyone that says it wasn't a great game for any QB and the competition is far from over. One guy had a TD and 14 pts while he was in there and the Hill advocates cannot acknowledge that. Sean makes the final eval but Winston threw a TD during the 2-minute drill and that matters in most games.
Throwing a TD doesn't mean it was a better throw. That's like grading a QB based on wins to me. Semantics that ignore actual evaluation. Taysom's rolling to the right throw was the best of the game. Winston's TD throw was nice as well but doesn't grade better. Over time those stats can even out with performance but in a single game setting like this just grade each throw.

Based roughly on memory they are even to me. A handful of off-target ugly throws and some nice pretty throws. Think Taysom should do more on his sack and didn't like Jameis's happy feet on his first sack. I'd have to go back play by play and count it up to see who actually did better. It was that close.

I'm not as high on Book's performance. I would have given him a C-. Of course thats understanding he was in a pretty rough situation. The team fell apart in the second half and it was his first action.