Saints vs Ravens assessment

One minor detail I noticed with Taysom was his mouth guard. It as tucked in his helmet the whole time, clearly in his line sight. It seemed to me that he was sooo focused on the game, his role, reading the defense, get the play out, and so on and so on that he over looked a bit of personal safety. I am hoping the game slows down enough for Taysom that he'll remember to put in his mouth guard and help prevent a concussion if he takes a shot to the chin.
I recall a former player talking about that at some point. In their first start they did that. I can see how being hyper-focused on those things can distract you from something so simple. its a combination of that and nerves - wanting to make sure you do everything right. Hopefully he settles in for the next one. Unlike Jameis, Taysom doesn’t have several seasons worth of starts.