Preseason 1 Report Card

Jameis had some ugly throws like the one well behind the TE on a short cross and an out to the right that should have been toward the sideline but was inside and a defender got his hands on it.

Taysom had the ugly throw to the RB and the one deeper throw on the wrong side of the receiver that almost got picked.

Jameis had some nice throws to open recievers and capped off the drive with a nice TD throw. Taysom sustained a drive with some nice throws to open recievers and had a great throw under pressure. His running game failed him and killed the drive.

It was tit for tat. The ints and TDs weren't indicitive of the actual plays. The actual Ints didn't even illustrate their worst throws. The TD didn't illustrate the best throw of the game.

I can tell you when Payton evaluates his QBs he's not going to look at the TDs and INTs statistics and call it a day. He will grade each throw based on the film. The TD throw won't grade higher just because it was a TD.
Payton is definitely going to look at scoring plays and give extra weight there. Making your best plays in the redzone when points are on the line is critical to success. The team that scores the most wins.