Marquez Callaway

My comp between Callaway and D-Hop was obviously one of "style of play" - and not a direct comparison of production, projection, or literally anything else that would pit an unproven / undrafted guy against a top 5 WR.... Geez. Some of your guys just want to argue for the the sake of argument.
No argument here! You're STILL "A Towel!". Me? I'm more a Mantequilla fan!
My comp between Callaway and D-Hop was obviously one of "style of play" - and not a direct comparison of production, projection, or literally anything else that would pit an unproven / undrafted guy against a top 5 WR.... Geez. Some of your guys just want to argue for the the sake of argument.
My comp between Callaway and D-Hop was obviously one of "style of play" - and not a direct comparison of production, projection, or literally anything else that would pit an unproven / undrafted guy against a top 5 WR.... Geez. Some of your guys just want to argue for the the sake of argument.